Universidad de Alicante
Important dates
Important dates


Abstracts will be published digitally in a Proceedings Book by the University of Alicante Editorial (Spain). This volume will encompass abstracts from accepted communications and symposia. Symposia abstracts will range from 500 to 600 words, while communication abstracts will span 300 to 400 words. This book will be distributed to all participants in digital Format.

The submission of full texts is voluntary. Contributions that undergo prior evaluation and acceptance will be published by Octaedro and Graó publishers. Authors will select the publisher to which they wish to submit their complete work.

Octaedro Editorial
Octaedro is indexed in the Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI) ranking by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). It holds the first position and is classified in Q1 for Education. According to experts (ICEE): 141, it has an Indicator of Editorial Quality.
Grao Editorial
Graó is indexed in the Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI) ranking by the CSIC. It holds the third position and is classified in Q1 for Education. It has an Indicator of Editorial Quality, according to experts (ICEE): 113.
Education Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed, open Access journal on education published monthly online by MDPI.
It is indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), Educational Research Abstracts, PscyInfo, and other databases
Journal Rank: CiteScore - Q1 (Education)
Impact Factor: 3.0 (2022); 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.8 (2022)

In this journal, the Special Issue Innovation, Didactics and Education for Sustainability will be published.
If you choose to submit a paper to this journal, the manuscript should be submitted through Submit to Special Issue.

Manuscript submission date: UNTIL AUGUST 31st, 2025.


Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria is an international academic journal of Pedagogy that publishes, in open access, original research papers from a theoretical perspective and methodology of education, with the aim of providing pedagogical knowledge to researchers and practitioners to improve the description, explanation, understanding and application of educational thought and action.
It belongs to the Publications Service of the University of Salamanca. It is indexed in SJR (Q2, 0.43, in 2022), Scopus (3.3, in 2022). It has the FECYT Quality Seal (2021, 30.65, 28/76, C2); Emerging Sources Citation Index (Q2, Perc. 54.38; 339/742, in 2022). It is also indexed in other databases such as CIRC: B, ANEP: A, ERIH+, CARHUS PLUS (2018): C and Dialnet.
The best texts will be selected for publication in the Revista Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria. However, this first selection does not imply, in any case, the definitive acceptance of the article, as the editorial committee of the journal will evaluate it according to its publication rules.
Those who choose to submit a contribution must strictly comply with the journal's paper submission guidelines.
Manuscript submission date: UNTIL APRIL 30th, 2024.
Disciplinares Journal Guidelines
Revista UNSA
